GPS Data
The below links include the following files in 2 popular formats:
1. Complete track file referred to as “FULL”
2. Breakdown of the track into 4 files listed 1-4, limited to 8,000 point each
3. POI file named “HLC-POI” containing the entire POI sheet as waypoints
Download links per Device type
Garmin – GPX format
Services along the trail – POI
In the the following link you will find a spreadsheet including all the POI along the route marked with available resources: water, food, bike service shops and possible sleeping spots. Do note that most of these locations have certain opening hours, so they may be open when you actually get to them!
Special thank you to our friend Vlad Ramkovich that updated the POI file and created a spreadsheet plan for HLC2020. As always, use at your own risk.
POI file download
A deck of maps was created including the entire route and the POI along the route. The purpose of these maps is to provide additional high level orientation and it should be used for planning purposes only. Please note – it is not for navigation purposes.
Map deck download